An Expert Guide to Blood Test Prices in Delhi in 2023

Getting a Blood Test Price in Delhi can be a daunting task, especially when you’re unsure of the pricing involved. As we enter 2023, it’s important to understand the cost of blood tests in Delhi and how they vary across different labs and facilities. To help you make an informed decision, we’ve put together an expert guide to blood test prices in Delhi in 2023. Keep in mind that the prices mentioned below are subject to change and may vary depending on several factors, including the lab, location, and type of test. 1. Basic Blood Tests Basic blood tests typically include a complete blood count (CBC) and basic metabolic panel (BMP). The average cost of these tests in Delhi ranges from INR 400 to INR 1,000. However, this price may vary depending on the lab and location. 2. Lipid Profile A lipid profile test is used to measure the amount of cholesterol and triglycerides in your blood. The average cost of this test in Delhi ranges from INR 600 to INR 1,500. 3. Liver Function Tests Liver function tests (LFTs) are used to evaluate the health of your liver and diagnose liver diseases. The average cost of LFTs in Delhi ranges from INR 500 to INR 1,500. 4. Blood Glucose Tests Blood glucose tests are used to measure your blood sugar levels. The average cost of these tests in Delhi ranges from INR100 to INR 500, depending on the type of test and the lab. 5. Thyroid Tests Thyroid function tests are used to diagnose thyroid disorders such as hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism. The average cost of these tests in Delhi ranges from INR 500 to INR 1,500. 6. Vitamin D Test A vitamin D test is used to measure the level of vitamin D in your blood. The average cost of this test in Delhi ranges from INR 800 to INR 2,000. 7. HIV Testing HIV testing is used to detect the presence of HIV antibodies in your blood. The average cost of HIV testing in Delhi ranges from INR 400 to INR 1,500. 8. Complete Health Check-Up A complete health check-up includes a range of tests to evaluate your overall health. The average cost of a complete health check-up in Delhi ranges from INR 2,500 to INR 5,000, depending on the lab and the tests included.
